zaterdag 2 mei 2015

#Valentine Robert Valentine: People Should 'Respect' Freddie Gray, Not Riot - Breitbart News

Breitbart News

Robert Valentine: People Should 'Respect' Freddie Gray, Not Riot
Breitbart News
Valentine said he wasn't concerned about his safety, rather, “I'm concerned about the youth, what's going to happen to them. They go out here, they riot, they get locked up, they got a record, they can't get a decent job, they can't advance in life the ...
A Hero Among The Chaos: Veteran Robert Valentine Stands Up To Young ...The Inquisitr
Vietnam vet Robert Valentine shames Freddie Gray rioters in Baltimore into ...Daily Mail
Baltimore Resident: These Kids Need To Get Their Butts Home And Study; I'm ...RealClearPolitics

all 21 news articles »


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